The brand new Cavalex 56 will be produced to the same high standard of finish as the highly regarded PGA and BBA/BLA wagons, incorporating similar levels of detail and innovation.
The locomotive will incorporate the following features:
- A wealth of separately fitted parts, including bogies which aren’t just one piece mouldings to allow for proper detail relief
- Photo etched grilles throughout the model
- All wheel pick up
- Alloy chassis to allow the locomotive to pull prototypical wagon rakes
- 5 pole motor with twin flywheels, geared for prototypical running speeds with superb
- slow speed control
- 21 pin DCC interface, with easy DCC fitting provision
- DCC sound and stay alive options (Further news to follow)
- Provision for an EM2 Speaker in the chassis as standard
- Drop in EM/P4 wheelset packs available to order separately to coincide with the release of the model (Further news to follow)
- Separately motor operated roof fans via a function output on DCC, or when moving on DC
- Etched name plates supplied as appropriate
- Both standard and revised cantrail grill options depending on prototype.
Artwork and specifications are subject to change.